Cars are pricey at the best of times and when it comes to getting value for money, the longer it runs on the road and within minimal costs, the better.

However, that’s often wishful thinking, especially as nowadays, it seems the average car can’t keep up with the demands of a modern-day household. With that being said, everything you do or don’t do to the car, can make a difference to its running life.

Whether it’s your first car or your fourth one, there are always plenty of tips to help ensure your car gets plenty of life out on the road and most importantly, provides value for your back pocket.

Here are some helpful tips to maintain your car for a longer running life this year and beyond.

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Check tires regularly

Tires are an important one, especially as they keep the connection between the car and the road it’s driving on. Some cars will have indicators that let you know when tire pressure is low or the tire itself has become compromised.

A lot of cars won’t have such technically-advanced features and so it’s reliant on you being aware of the tire and how well inflated or deflated it may be. Visual signs are also worth looking out for when it comes to tires that have perhaps been burst or gone extremely flat while out driving.

Pay attention to your tires and opt for tires that are well suited for the environment and weather conditions the car is subjected to on a daily basis. 

Don’t drive recklessly

When it comes to keeping your car in good condition, you want to drive smoothly. Driving erratically or stopping and starting your car abruptly, is not going to do well for your car’s braking system, the engine, and other parts of the car such as the tires.

Driving recklessly is also going to risk more accidents occurring, both to you and to others around you. It’s always important to remember that you’re not the only person on the road and so you want to be careful of everyone around you. Be wary of your driving efforts and don’t take risks when it could lead to a crash.

After all, a crash in your car means a lot of costs to repair the car and in some cases, it could mean your car gets written off. Driving recklessly is something to be aware of when it comes to being a driver on the road but also to avoid running your car into the ground.

Always check anything with a mechanic

If there are ever any concerns with your car’s appearance or performance on the road, it’s always worthwhile to speak to a mechanic. Why? Well, a mechanic is going to be able to fix a potential problem or underlying issue before it gets worse.

While some might inevitably cost a lot of money, there may be small changes that make a big difference to the overall costs you pay when it comes to your car.

If you have any concerns, however minor they may be, speak to a mechanic that you trust and that ideally, you’ve been to before. That way, you can make sure that you’re not being swindled out of your money over something that might not be necessarily such a large cost.

Maintain your car’s battery

Your car’s battery is the lifeblood of the vehicle itself. You want to ensure that the battery is operating its best and that you’re doing everything possible to make sure it runs for as long as you can.

However, just like any car battery, over time it’s going to deteriorate and not perform in the same way as it used to. While a lot of that can’t be helped by the driver, it’s something that you can still maintain by checking its acid level and not leaving it to go too cold. If your car is sitting out on your drive for months on end, that could end up killing the battery completely. 

A car’s battery is often replaced every four years, so this is something to be mindful of. 

Stick to the service schedule

Your car needs to be serviced regularly and the schedule you have is something you should stick to religiously. That way, you’re staying on top of all its relevant health checks and it also means it gets topped p with all the necessary fluids.

Maintaining your car for a longer running life is something that’s worth the effort on your part as the owner. 

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By Richie

I'm a 40-year-old father blessed with two wonderful children: a 13-year-old daughter and a 10-year-old son. My life revolves around my beautiful wife, who is the cornerstone of our family. Without her unwavering support, none of what I do would be possible. By day, I serve as a network administrator for a local school district, ensuring smooth operations in the realm of technology. During the evenings, you'll often find me engrossed in various creative pursuits, from illustrating books to crafting websites or composing music. But above all, my priority is spending quality time with my kids. Parenthood has been a profound journey of growth and discovery for me, and now, armed with a keyboard instead of a pen, I'm eager to share my experiences and insights with others.

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