After a successful night we all awoke and slowly got our day started. The big task at hand for day 2 was to acquire a sea worthy vessel for the next two days for our group. We brought two jet skis and a small boat with us, but we had bigger plans. Plans that involved renting a nice pontoon that had an upper deck with a water slide. Awesome!
So after a delicious breakfast provided by Auntie Randa and soon-to-be Uncle Luke we got ready to head on down to the dock. Once we had the boat in our possession we loaded it up with our goodies and headed on out with the jet skis out to one of our favorite spots to do some cliff jumping and relaxing in the lake. I got plenty of Go-Pro footage with us jumping that I will be putting together later this week.
The kids had a lot of fun so much in fact that Alex and his cousin headed back in early with Mammaw and Pawpaw for a much needed nap. My little Abby even got herself tuckered out and fell asleep on the boat on our way back a few hours later. It was a great day out on the lake and much energy was used climbing and jumping 10, 15, 40 feet off the cliffs.
We unloaded the boat and headed back to the cabin to clean up for dinner. Pawpaw fired up his deep fryer and made hot wings for everyone. While he was cooking up the wings, my wife took Abby and Alex down to a popular loading dock to feed some large carp. They go absolutely wild when you toss in some fish food. It is something the kids and her love doing every time we come down. When they got back dinner was ready and everyone chowed down on those deliciously cooked buffalo wings. Writing about it now makes me sad because I could really go for just a few more of those tasty wings.
There was a storm on the horizon so we opted out of setting up the movie screen. We did setup some tarps to help keep the rain off our area and at the start of the storm it seemed like it was going to work. But then the rain started to come down a little harder and we got a few leaks. All of us guys were getting a little crazy under the tarps seeing how long we could last with the storm intensifying. Ultimately a gnarly gust of wind came through and snapped one of the ropes on our tarps and sent all of us scrambling onto the porch. So the rest of the night was spent on porch with all of us cracking jokes and having a few drinks.
The kids passed out on Mammaw and Pawpaw’s couch, so once we were ready for bed we scooped the kiddos up in our arms and carried them to our cabin. We laid them down and got ourselves into bed as well. It was an awesome but exhausting day. With two days left at the lake we had to make sure to not let any storms get us down. Stay tuned for day three!
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