We are living in a time when gaming no longer has the stigma it used to. Sure, there are still media reports blaming video games for crime and corruption in our country. There will still be parents telling their children to get outside for some fresh air and into a more useful hobby. And you may have people in your life telling you to stop wasting time playing games on your laptop or console. But as a rule, and to the relief of many a gamer, gaming now has a more respectable image than it used to. In short, gaming is not the wasted hobby it was once thought to be.

As a gamer, you will know the value of playing video games. Sure, you may need to put down that gamepad occasionally – there are other ways to spend your time – but we’re not here to nag. We are gamers too, and in this article, we will remind you of some of the some of the reasons why playing video games is okay. Use these reasons to convince any skeptics in your life.

#1: Gaming is wonderfully escapist

Not many of us have the opportunity to drive a high-end racing car. Very few of us have the chance to live out life as an action hero. We are never going to be part of an interstellar space battle. And unless we are really really good at sport, we aren’t going to get to play for an NFL or NBA sports team. It sucks! But this is where games come in. We can lift ourselves from the mundanity of our everyday lives, and engage in all kinds of game experiences. We can get behind the racing wheel playing driving games. We can engage in action heroics playing games such as the latest Spider-man title. And we can pick up the annual sporting release and play for our team of choice. We can do all of these things because gaming allows us too!

#2: Gaming is a fun way to make money

The next time somebody tells you to “go and get a job,” remind them that gaming can make you a sizeable income. From starting your own YouTube channel to taking part in gaming tournaments, there are a number of ways to make an income. This is great news if you are looking to make money from the hobby you love, as you won’t need to spend a lot of time away from your gaming passion if you take up one of the opportunities available to you. And if you commit to gaming, you can make the big bucks. It is predicted those who take part in eSports will soon be earning more money than our top athletes! That’s something to throw in the face of your old gym teacher who berated you on your lack of sporting prowess or motivation!

#3: Gaming can bring people together

A common argument against gaming is that it is anti-social. And this is true to a degree, or at least it used to be. Thanks to the popularity of online gaming, this is no longer a solitary hobby. Whether you play games with people you know or with those from another country entirely, you can engage in conversations, have a laugh, and play games in the company of others. Sure, they may not be sat with you in your living room, but thanks to the power of online games, they don’t need to be. And unlike those friends you have in your ‘real life,’ you don’t have to kick them out of the house when you’re tired of them. You need only say goodbye and unplug from the game. Still, if you prefer the physical company of others, you can play games together in your living room. With games such as Mario Kart on the Switch and Rock Band (across a range of consoles), you can have fun with both friends and family, and bond together as a result.

#4: Gaming offers stress relief

Sure, there are those times when you are tempted to throw your joypad through the television screen, especially when playing mega-difficult games such as Dark Souls (game developers can be so cruel), but according to studies, gaming is a guaranteed way to relieve stress! This flies in the face of the detractors who claim gaming can cause aggression and violence. Of course, you, as the gamer already know the de-stressing power of video games, but have a read of the linked article to help you back up this argument should anybody criticize you for choosing to play games in your downtime. Of course, if you have just been ‘killed’ for the 1000th time playing any of the Dark Souls titles, you might want to calm down first before engaging in a discussion!

So, not only gaming is not a wasted hobby, but it can also gift you with some important life lessons. Because of this – and the fun you get from gaming – you should allow yourself to kick back and enjoy some exciting screen time. But remember, if you do so on sites like https://winiota.com/, make sure you keep playing responsibly!

Thanks for reading, and happy gaming!

This post is a collaborative effort by St. Louis Dad.

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By Richie

I'm a 40-year-old father blessed with two wonderful children: a 13-year-old daughter and a 10-year-old son. My life revolves around my beautiful wife, who is the cornerstone of our family. Without her unwavering support, none of what I do would be possible. By day, I serve as a network administrator for a local school district, ensuring smooth operations in the realm of technology. During the evenings, you'll often find me engrossed in various creative pursuits, from illustrating books to crafting websites or composing music. But above all, my priority is spending quality time with my kids. Parenthood has been a profound journey of growth and discovery for me, and now, armed with a keyboard instead of a pen, I'm eager to share my experiences and insights with others.

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