Frozen has been a thing in my house now for well over a year. At a glance you might not notice all of the Frozen merchandise my daughter has convinced me and her mother to buy. I guarantee it is there. If you open up the closet you’ll find Frozen Band-Aids, chap stick, hair clips, earrings, towels, and soap. In the fridge and pantry you’ll find the yogurt and fruit snacks. Don’t forget about the shirts, dresses, crowns, shoes, shirts, and socks… the-must-have-socks… The books, crayons, markers, posters, coloring books, and toys. Oh the toys, the most sought after toys. We’re still looking for the Frozen Lego set (let me know if you got an extra one). But we got the barbie, magi-clips, castle, busy book, etc, etc… I have seen and heard this movie more times than I can count. The movie and songs are not bad at all, but I wouldn’t mind watching something different instead.
I cannot imagine how much money I have given Disney in exchange for Frozen stuff. All of it with pretty much the exact same design. You know the one.
In all honesty though, I don’t mind. Especially when this movie has helped my daughter learn to sing, I believe it has also helped her open up and not be as shy. Plus, I get to capture moments like this.
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